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Double Chin

Kybella™ for Double Chin

Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin.”

Kybella is a non-surgical, injectable treatment that is customized for your unique needs. When injected under the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells. Once eliminated, those cells cannot ever store or accumulate fat again. Improve your chin’s profile with Kybella.

Kybella may be right for you if:

  • You’re bothered (unhappy, self-conscious, embarrassed) by fat under the chin, also known as submental fullness
  • You feel the condition makes you look older or heavier than you actually are
  • You don’t want to have surgery
  • You eat well and exercise, but submental fullness does not go away

A series of injections is necessary and Infinity Skin Care provides a opportunity to save on vials of Kybella when your pre-pay for your treatments at your initial consultation or pre-treatment appointment.

Kybella Before & After

woman's face before kybella
Kybella Before Treatment
woman's face after kybella
Kybella After Treatment
man's face before kybella
Kybella Before Treatment
man's face after kybella
Kybella After Treatment
woman's face before kybella
Kybella Before Treatment
woman's face after kybella
Kybella After Treatment

Kybella FAQs

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down and speed the absorption of dietary fat.

The safety profile of Kybella is well documented. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and areas of hardness around the treatment area.

After the aesthetic response is achieved, you will no longer require any further treatments.

infinity skin care office

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